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Run bootstrap on a DEA model to estimate bias corrected efficiency scores and confidence intervals


bootstrap_dea(dea, alpha = 0.05, bw_rule = "ucv", iterations = 2000)



An object of type pioneer_dea from compute_dea()


One minus the confidence level required (defaults to 0.05)


A string with the type of bandwidth rule to be used, or a number with the bandwidth parameter. See details.


The number of bootstrap iterations to be performed


A list object of class pioneer_bootstrap


In order to bootstrap a DEA model, you must first create a DEA model object using the compute_dea() function. Note that you currently can only bootstrap models using constant or variable returns to scale (RTS). If you try to bootstrap a model using another RTS, the bootstrap will fail with an error message.

The bandwidth argument can be set to either ucv for unbiased cross validation, silverman for the Silverman rule, or scott for the Scott rule. If you provide a number, this will be used directly as the bandwidth parameter h. This can be useful to replicate results where h is given, such as Simar & Wilson (1998). For most practical applications of the bootstrap, the default of unbias cross validation is sensible.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get data
fare89 <- deaR::Electric_plants
# Estimate efficiency
mod <- compute_dea(fare89, 'Plant', c('Labor', 'Fuel', 'Capital'), 'Output', 'vrs', 'in')
# Run bootstrap
boot <- bootstrap_dea(mod, iterations = 2000)
} # }