Get all Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) based on the NACE standard.
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is primarily a statistical standard and is the basis for coding units according to the most important activities in Statistics Norway's Business register and in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities. SIC2007 is based on NACE Rev. 2. See Statistics Norway's webpage for more information on the code specification.
All years from 1994 until present are supported. The function defaults to the
current year. If notes are enabled with include_notes
, a column note
be added to the data.frame.
The function returns a data.frame by default. If you prefer the output
as a list you can set simplify
. This can be useful to keep
programmatically track of failed queries. If you set raw_response
, the raw response from the API will be returned together with the
parsed response. Note that the response will then be returned silently.